Most Accessed Essays in 2013

Happy New Year. These are the fifteen essay-type posts most accessed in 2013.

  1. Abraham’s Journey of Faith
  2. Greeting: Peace Be With You
  3. Bonhoeffer at Flossenbürg
  4. Prophets Then and Now
  5. The Least of These My Brethren
  6. Joseph the Dreamer
  7. United Methodists and Open Communion
  8. Bonhoeffer in Berlin and Buchenwald
  9. Who Will Ascend into Heaven to Bring Christ Down?
  10. Bonhoeffer at Ettal
  11. What Did the Early Church do with its Money?
  12. Sacraments in John’s Gospel
  13. The Gospel in Mark’s Gospel
  14. Poor, Captive, Blind and Oppressed
  15. Works of the Flesh, Fruit of the Spirit